It has been a little while since I wrote a blog...more than a little while actually! We welcomed a little boy to our family in April and we've been enjoying some time as a family of four. I'm hoping I'll be on here a little more frequently now but obviously aside from spending time with my little ones, my main priority is making sure you all get your Storyboxes!
I can't believe our little boy is 5 months already - he has just had his first holiday, his first tooth has made an appearance, he is pretty much sitting up and I feel like it is all happening way too fast this time round! Does anyone else feel like the second time goes so much quicker?! I guess it is a combination of him watching his older sister and wanting to keep up with her combined with having to split my time between two little ones now. The first time round they have your undivided attention...mum guilt! Here is ZaZa with her little baby brother...

He is of course a subscriber to ZaZa's Storybox and enjoying his monthly Storyboxes! I've loved how supportive you have all been whilst we have been taking some time as a family and welcoming our new addition - thank you!
Our Christmas Storyboxes are now up on the website and I am really hoping we can get the Christmas characters from Lanka Kade by the end of the month for you all. The demand for these has been so high, which is lovely for Lanka Kade and because their wooden toys are individually hand-painted, we just need to be patient. In the meantime we have a Nativity Christmas Storybox and a Gingerbread Man Christmas Storybox available for pre-order. They will be despatched from 1st November onwards and make great Christmas Eve Boxes.
Our Halloween Storybox is also available and proving popular - we have a limited number of these left so be quick if you want one!
I've also got a couple of books that have kindly been gifted to us which are lovely and I am looking forward to sharing my reviews of these with you very soon.
If you are not already following us on Instagram, you can keep up with us more regularly over there @zazastorybox
That's all for now, I won't leave it so long next time, I'll be back with those book reviews very soon and I have a series of guest blogs lined up too on all kinds of topics that will be of interest to you so keep checking back!
Until next time, Danni